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Ms. Ayres' Math and Science Page
"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think if you only try"
~Dr. Seuss~
Mental Math 7/8/9 (No Calculator)
Basic Practice Tests
Mental Math 7/8/9 Multiple Choice #1 (No Key)
Mental Math 7/8/9 Multiple Choice #2 (No Key)
Math 7 Recap (No Key)
Math 8 Recap (No Key)
Math 9 Recap (No Key)
Math 9 Recap (KEY)
Math 8/9 M.C. Practice Final (with KEY) ~do w/o calculator
Math 9 M.C. Practice Final (with KEY) ~do w/o calculator
Manitoba Mental Math 8 (with KEY)
Manitoba Mental Math 9 (with KEY)
PAT Part A Practice (KEY)

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